“How the NHS and care services use your information”
The Upstairs Surgery is one of many organisations working in the health and care system to improve care for patients and the public. Our organisation is currently compliant with the national data opt-out policy.
**The data held in your medical records is shared with other healthcare professionals for the purposes of your care. It is also shared with other organisations to support health, care planning and research. If you do not want your personally identifiable patient data to be shared with outside of your GP practice for purposes except your own care you can opt out by either clicking here or picking up a form in reception.
Please avoid calling the surgery to discuss this as all information is on the below link. You have until 21st June 2021 to opt out of your data being shared. There are 2 types of opt out (both are different). Please click on the link below for more information. CLICK HERE for Type 1 Opt Out form (EXTERNAL DOWNLOAD LINK), please complete and return to the practice via email or in person by 21st June 2021 and then CLICK HERE for the second option - National Data Opt Out.
digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/data-collections-and-data-sets/data-collections/general-practice-data-for-planning-and-research/transparency-notice **
Whenever you use a health or care service, such as attending Accident & Emergency or using Community Care services, important information about you is collected in a patient record for that service. Collecting this information helps to ensure you get the best possible care and treatment.
The information collected about you when you use these services can also be used and provided to other organisations for purposes beyond your individual care, for instance to help with:
- improving the quality and standards of care provided
- research into the development of new treatments
- preventing illness and diseases
- monitoring safety
- planning services
This may only take place when there is a clear legal basis to use this information. All these uses help to provide better health and care for you, your family and future generations. Confidential patient information about your health and care is only used like this where allowed by law.
Most of the time, anonymised data is used for research and planning so that you cannot be identified in which case your confidential patient information isn’t needed.
You have a choice about whether you want your confidential patient information to be used in this way. If you are happy with this use of information you do not need to do anything. If you do choose to opt out your confidential patient information will still be used to support your individual care.
To find out more or to register your choice to opt out, please visit www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters. On this web page you will:
- See what is meant by confidential patient information
- Find examples of when confidential patient information is used for individual care and examples of when it is used for purposes beyond individual care
- Find out more about the benefits of sharing data
- Understand more about who uses the data
- Find out how your data is protected
- Be able to access the system to view, set or change your opt-out setting
- Find the contact telephone number if you want to know any more or to set/change your opt-out by phone
- See the situations where the opt-out will not apply
You can also find out more about how patient information is used at:
www.hra.nhs.uk/information-about-patients (which covers health and care research); and
understandingpatientdata.org.uk/what-you-need-know (which covers how and why patient information is used, the safeguards and how decisions are made)
You can change your mind about your choice at any time.
Contact via email: theupstairssurgery@nhs.net
Write to the practice manager: FAO Diane Maskell – Chadwell Heath Health Centre, Ashton Gardens, Chadwell Heath, Romford, Essex RM6 6RT
Ask to speak to the Practice Manager
We regularly review our privacy policy and all updates will be published on our website
Access to Medical Records Policy (DOCX, 19KB)
Application Form for Access to Medical Records (DOCX, 28KB)
Privacy Notice 1 (DOCX, 33KB)
Privacy Notice 2 (DOCX, 30KB)
Privacy Notice 3 (DOCX, 32KB)
Privacy Notice 4 (DOCX, 21KB)
Privacy Notice Job Applicant (DOCX, 42KB)
General Practice Data for Planning and Research Privacy Notice (DOCX, 26KB)